Located right in the heart of modern Acapulco, you do not need a car to move around as the nightlife and the stores are located within walking distance. You are within a 5-minute walk of tennis courts and a golf course. In the evening you can walk on the beach or relax on the main street, stopping at cafes that line the street. Back in the apartment, you will hear no noise other than the waves crashing on the beach. The wind blowing through the apartment gives you the feeling of being on a sailb... (more)
Special Features of this Vacation Rental
Linens & Towels Provided
Smoking Allowed
No Pets Allowed
Amenities of the Resort/Surrounding Community
The history of Acapulco is older than you would think. Did you know that from 1565 till 1815, Acapulco was the destination for the Manila Galleon? These galleons carried spices, porcelain, ivory and lacquerware from China and Southeast Asia via the t... (more)
Rate Information for this Vacation Rental
Min Stay
Rates From
Sat - Sat
The apartment is available at the following cost (Sat. to Sat.):
- One week: $1,250
- Two weeks: $2,250
- Three weeks: $3,000
- Four weeks: $3,500
- Christmas: $300 per day
- Easter week before and after (14 days): $3,500
- Christmas vacation: Dec. 1... (more)
All rates subject to change without notice. Please confirm with owner.
3 Month Availability Snapshot for this Vacation Rental
This vacation rental has been viewed 13,995 times since 10/08/2005. Each property is independently owned and operated. All listing information has been furnished by the property owner/manager. Please read our disclaimer.